I was afraid to be seen—Here’s what changed…

A chapter in my shadow work story on how I overcame self-sabatoge, avoidance and shame.

Written by Amanda Kleinik

In the beginning, I didn’t know I was even changing… becoming something ethereal—Real. Vibrationally upgrading...

This is merely a chapter in my own story. A page in my book where the heroine undergoes an inner transformation from sabotage to aligned authenticity. It unfolds slowly… like when a caterpillar goes into a chrysalis.

I was like a kaleidoscope of emotional, physical, and spiritual authenticity awaiting to be seen and it has come bursting from me as I’ve learned to accept the various versions of myself I found walking this path of darkness with nothing but a
torch and a key to guide me.

This transformation didn’t really begin rooting into place until around

October 2023

but long before then I started to plant seeds into the garden I’d one day tend to.

The only way I can help you understand is for you to

just see…

So I’ve created this super cool commentaried film reel to take you on a journey. Follow along by clicking the arrows an you too will be introduced to various versions of me…

I hope you enjoy.  

after the storm passed and I got the chance to I look back at it all. The one thought that appeared in my was Taylor Swift’s lyrics “everything has changed”

seriously, thank you.

With gratitude bursting from my soul ✨ You being here means the world to me.

If you find yourself stuck in patterns of self-sabatoge, avoidance, and shameful thinking like I used to, I’d be honored to help guide you along the path of darkness with a torchlight and key.

You know where to find me.


Versions of Being