Welcome Shadow Seeker

You being here is not by accident

The golden moment that led you to this moment

✨ It’s by divine design ✨

A karmic intermingling of energy and frequency brought you here for me to find

That darkness you feel lurking, you seek to understand

You’ve just walked up to the doorway to another land.

Allow me to take you on a journey into the shadows to find the light you have locked & hidden inside

Simply take the key, it was yours all along to find

You are, in fact, family my dear. You’ll always have a seat at our table here.

Meet Your Guide

Amanda, our founder and visionary, is a multifaceted individual. She’s a quick-witted, funny momtrepreneur at heart. She loves crafting, creating, and changing, and her passion is to bridge the gap between holistic and mental health practices by guiding shadow seekers to the unique transformation that awaits them. May you find her as alluring as she finds you.