Mother & Father Wounds

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🫖Sip with your Shadow☕️ Series Episode 1: Mother & Father Wounds

Welcome. This guide was written as a way to follow along with the Tea Cup discussion hosted by Aeh Monroe on January 3, 2023 @ 3:30 pm.

What is a Mother or Father Wound?

A mother or father wound could be interpreted as a set of behaviors you develop throughout your life from your environment and parental conditioning. In laymen’s terms, a mother or father wound presents itself within the way we perceive relationships, help, kindness, and so much more. When you have a neglectful or abusive parent, your inner child may have developed some parental wounds.


Example 1:

Jane is born into a broken divorced family. She was raised by her mother, who always had an attitude and a feeling of regret to her. Her father left when she was 2, and has yet to know him or even build a relationship with him.

Jane potentially developed a father wound of abandonment which displayed itself in a lack of trust toward men.

(of course this could have been more thorough, but for the sake of time, roll with it.)

Example 2:

Mark was raised by his grandparents. He didn’t know his mother until he was 10 years old after she got out of prison for attempted murder. He never knew his father because he was traveling for work, though he saw him on holidays and birthdays. There was never a solid relationship built. His grandparents were very hands off and oftentimes left Mark to fend for himself.

Mark potentially developed mother wounds of lack of nurturing, neglect, and abandonment. Which doubled when his father and him had a estranged relationship due to distance and neglect. Mark never felt like he belonged, always struggled with authority, and had a lack of trust for anyone. This seeped into his inability to keep a job, and then further causes him to lose his children because of rage and domestic issues.

These are just 2 examples of how having a Mother or Father wound could present itself in your life. I am interested in finding out if any of this resonates with you?


Shadow Work Prompts

I invite you to get out your journal, write your intention, and light a candle for protection on this journey. These are thought provoking questions that can be contemplated on or journaled with, whichever you choose.

  1. How do you feel about your mother or father?

    when you were asked that question did you feel a pull or sensation anywhere? Take note of any feelings you have in your body during this process. They could indicate where some of the trauma is trapped energetically.

  2. Did you have a good relationship with them?

  3. Do you currently have a good relationship with them?

  4. If they are no longer here with us, is there something you’d like to express, or wish you would have said?

  5. Do you feel the relationship you have with your inner child reflects how you were treated as a child?

  6. How would you reassure a hurt inner child? Would you nurture her/him? Would you stand by their side and be there for them? Would you give them affection like you were once missing?


Now I ask you take a few deep breaths. I invite you to connect with the parts of your body that you may be experiencing tension. I ask that you breathe life into this space. Breathe love and nurturing into this space. Breathe acceptance into this space.

I invite you to thank your inner child for showing up today and being present in todays sip with your shadow. Give them grace and show them patience as they maneuver this new space that you’ve opened up and created. To join the official discussion, or listen to the replay, click the button below!

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Amanda Kleinik

Amanda is an intuitive life coach and alchemic healer and she is the founder of Aeh System, LLC. Her mission is to bridge the gap between holistic and mental health practices by guiding individuals into the right coping skills to meet their needs. She lives in sunny Fl where it rains for at least 5 minutes a day, the humidity is always too high and she homeschools.

Creating Safety