Creating Safety
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🫖Sip with your Shadow☕️ Series Episode 2: Creating Safety
Welcome. Here are the session notes for the Tea Cup discussion hosted by Aeh Monroe on January 10, 2023 @ 3:30 pm.
What is Safety?
Safety. A topic that can easily be overlooked by some, yet be the only thing others think about. It is something that can easily be taken for granted, as we expect it to be an essential commodity everywhere we are. Almost as if safety, in a way, is a fundamental right as a human being. Yet, when someone has their safety violated or compromised, what happens to the individuals soul? Consider those who never truly understand what safety truly is because of environmental stressors outside of their control they’ve experienced since childhood. So, what does safety mean to you? Having a safe space? A home, or area, or place inside of your home? Maybe even extend that to being safe with your thoughts, in your body, being you?
Safety is essential and without a solid relationship with it, you may find yourself out of balance. Feeling emotionally unstable, depressed, and unable to regulate into your environment. Your body may feel anxiety, or tension. Feeling unsafe can manifest in our lives in so many ways.
Ways to establish safety
First, establish safety with your body & thoughts.
Observe your body and environment
Are you in a place of safety. Give yourself a baseline to go by. If you’re feeling tension, anxiety, or unwanted thoughts, now would be a good time to connect with your breath.
Remind yourself of center
Use this as a way to recognize when you need regulation. Connect to your breath. Go back to that bodily baseline.
Secondly, establish safety in your environment
Take note of any stessors or triggers
Remove yourself from anywhere that is triggering you into disregulation. Take a few moments to center, and begin your safety routine
Have a comfort item close
Maybe blanket to keep you warm, or even pen and paper to jot down any thoughts, and incense or a candle. Maybe you’re privy to palo santo or sage as a cleansing ritual.
Lock the door or go to an uninterrupted environment.
To fully regulate, take a few minutes. It’s okay if thats what you need in order to feel okay and come back to the environment.
If you’d like to share with the group, What does the process of establishing safety feel like for you?
Shadow Work Prompts
I invite you to get out your journal, write your intention, and light a candle for protection on this journey. These are thought provoking questions that can be contemplated on or journaled with, whichever you may choose.
Do you currently have a safe space?
Environmentally do you have somewhere to go where you can heal and journal without interruptions?
What does your inner temple look like?
are you safe with your thoughts? Do you have a positive inner dialogue?
What is an experience or situation that you currently face is causing you feel unsafe?
Is something or someone around you creating a disturbance or unbalance? How can we change or transform to create safety around this person or in this environment.
Now I ask you take a few deep breaths. I invite you to connect with the parts of your body that you may be experiencing tension. I ask that you breathe life into this space. Breathe love and nurturing into this space. Breathe acceptance into this space.
I invite you to thank your inner child for showing up today and being present in todays sip with your shadow. Give them grace and show them patience as they maneuver this new space that you’ve opened up and created. To join the official discussion, or listen to the replay, click the button below!
I am so grateful to have to in todays session, I’ll see you again next Tuesday at 3:30 for another sip with your shadow session.
Are you ready to activate a transformation within? I invite you to join my upcoming MiniMind Activate. A 4 week group program that will take you through the steps of activating your mindset into a higher vibration. You’ll go from looping to leaping with this simple and easy process. February 1st the group opens and you’ll get access to all the program’s content + a weekly juicy and dripping live transmission walking you through each module. The first session begins February 5th and is on presale for this TeaCup exclusive price for just $7!
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