Spill the Tea

Aeh Monroe has officially been invited to be a Tea Master on TeaCup! Here you’ll find a backlog of episodes with the featured show notes.

Join the Sip with your Shadow series every Tuesday @ 3:30pm. Whether you make it into the Hot Seat to interact straight with Aeh or choose to be a part of the audience and just listen in, this is your chance to walk through your shadows with a guide and get deep. This is the space where you’ll find that perfect community to transform with.

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Creating Safety
🫖 Sip with your Shadow ☕️ Amanda Kleinik 🫖 Sip with your Shadow ☕️ Amanda Kleinik

Creating Safety

Join Aeh Monroe Live for Episode 2 of the Sip with your Shadow series on TeaCup on Tuesday’s at 3:30pm. Whether you want to interact in one of the 8 hot seats, or be a part of the audience, there is a space for you here. This week’s topic of focus is creating safety. Follow along with the session notes or use this space to visualize the prompts provided.

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