Inner Dialogue
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🫖Sip with your Shadow☕️ Series Episode 3: Inner Dialogue
Welcome. This guide was written as a way to follow along with the Tea Cup discussion hosted by Aeh Monroe on January 24, 2023 @ 3:30 pm.
Inner Dialogue
What does it currently sound like? You know, inside your mind, in that area that no one is allowed to hear. The thoughts that only belong to you. How do these thoughts sound? What do they say about you? Your inner dialogue, sometimes called thoughts, is something you simply get used to being active, right? Inner dialogue. The thoughts that you think about yourself. Those thoughts. You know. the ones you hear currently rattling around inside your mind right now, even as I am speaking. Those thoughts are your inner dialogue. You are not your inner dialogue, you are the observer of it.
Subway full of Thoughts
Think of your thoughts as if you’re waiting at a subway station. You can choose to ride the subway by jumping on the thought train or you can choose to stay present, on the task at hand, whatever that may be.
You genuinely have the ability to ride the train of thoughts your mind produces or you can choose to simply listen to them. The choice is up to you.
You may not even be aware that your thoughts are just that. Thoughts. You, the active person sitting with the body are not your thoughts. You are experiencing having thoughts, you are hearing them, you are not the thought itself.
Think before you Speak
Have you ever heard the age old saying “ Think before you speak? “ I believe there be some truth to that statement. If you take a few moments to think. You are giving yourself enough time to notice the state of conscious. What vibrational frequency are your thoughts at before entering a conversation. Are you angry, happy, confused? Noticing the state your thoughts are in at any time can give you insight on triggers, emotional connections, relationships and more. Now, I could talk about this subject for a while, and if you’d like more, stick around to the end to hear about the perfect opportunity for you! Without further adieu, let us get to our shadow work prompts today.
Shadow Work Prompts
I invite you to get out your journal, write your intention, and light a candle for protection on this journey. These are thought provoking questions that can be contemplated on or journaled with, whichever you choose. Shadow work brings you deeper insight and awareness into yourself. Where traditional therapy and mindfulness methods help us process information, shadow work helps us face the things we keep hidden.
What does you internal dialogue currently sound like?
Is it positive or negative? Are you even aware of it?
When you are talking to yourself, are you boosting yourself up, or are you tearing yourself down?
how much of your inner dialogue is focused on you. Is it more focused on others?
Does your inner dialogue remind you of any specific person in your life?
Maybe a mother, father, mentor, or friend? Does your inside speak sound like that of someone else that you may have been influenced by?
Now I ask you take a few deep breaths. I invite you to connect with the parts of your body that you may be experiencing tension. Breathe love and nurturing into this space. Breathe acceptance into this space. Take a moment to show gratitude for your inner system for showing up today and being present. Give them grace and show them patience as they maneuver this new space that you’ve opened up and created.
are you ready to
Do you find yourself in loops? You know the ones I’m talking about, the experiences leaving you feeling like Bill Murray from Groundhog’s Day. Are you feeling stuck within this seemingly never ending cycle without knowing how to get out of it? Allow me to introduce you to my brand new Minimind ACTIVATE. Join me for this 4 week group experience where I teach you how to go from looping to leaping in just 4 easy steps. I am feeling extra generous, so for TeaCup listeners only I am offering this to you for the amazing price of $37. Grab it soon before the price increases! Spaces are limited so run don’t walk on over to grab your spot!