Importance of Intention

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☕️Spill the Tea☕️ Series Episode 1: Importance of Intention

Welcome. This guide was written as a way to follow along with the Tea Cup discussion hosted by Aeh Monroe on January 12, 2023 @ 2:00 pm.

Importance of Intention

Let’s start off with what intention is. There are 2 commonly known definitions.

1. A thing intended, or an aim or plan
2. the healing process of a wound.

Flowing with this definition, you’d agree that to place intention into something means you are actively choosing to heal it. So today’s TeaRoom is all about why placing intention into things we do holds such importance.

Say you want to plant a garden. You get everything ready and you have your seeds. You take the bag of seeds and toss it into the garden, seemingly expecting this unopened bag of seeds to sprout and grow. This is what doing things without intention looks like to the universe.

In christianity they use the concept of prayer to place intention over food among other things. I am positive many other religions and cultures practice a very similar way of empowering their food and action. Many choosing to simply put intentional thoughtforms into their actions. Prayer, meditation, sipping your tea. All of these things are done with some degree of intent in mind. When we allow our lives to live us, we become blinded to our intent and purpose.

The importance of intention is to truly place a reasoning behind everything you are doing. You are no longer allowing the seeds to be thrown into the garden to attempt to grow themselves, you’re taking time with each individual seed and placing it delicately into its new home to grow into fruit for you to one day eat.

Below are a few ways you can implement intentional mindfulness into your life.


Intentional Water:

Before drinking a glass of water, write your intentions on a piece of paper and place the glass over top of it. This is an active way to infuse your intention into the water.

Another way to place intention into water is to take your glass into your hands and take a few moments visualizing love and placing that emotion into the water. (replace love with any emotion here)

Intentional Meditation

Before sitting down to meditate, take a few moments to come up with a clear intention for the session. You could write it or mentally think it, but keep this in your minds eye during the meditation session.

Intentional Eating

Much like praying over your food, place your desired intention into your meal before you eat it. There is so much power in our thoughts, all it takes is the faith of a mustard seed to move mountains.

Intentional Cooking

Let’s take this magic one step further and say you can put intention into the food you cook. As you are preparing a meal for your family, maybe place the intentional thoughts of happiness and health into it to boost the benefits for the whole family


Today I really just wanted to come on here and show you how easy it is to add intentional thinking and mindfulness into your life. After a while, these patterns become new behaviors the acts a building blocks and tools for our manifestations to come later!

There are many different ways to place intention into your life on a daily basis. Now, you understand the importance of utilizing this amazing tool, I ask that you go forth with grace and teach someone else this concept today. Spread the love and joy to the world around you, even as it comes in waves.

Are you ready to activate a transformation within? I invite you to join my upcoming MiniMind Activate. A 4 week group program that will take you through the steps of activating your mindset into a higher vibration. You’ll go from looping to leaping with this simple and easy process. February 1st the group opens and you’ll get access to all the program’s content + a weekly juicy and dripping live transmission walking you through each module. The first session begins February 5th and is on presale for this TeaCup exclusive price for just $7! (normally $37)

Click Here to Join Now!!


Join me next week on Thursday at 2 for a discussion about the Magic of Manifestation!


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Amanda Kleinik

Amanda is an intuitive life coach and alchemic healer and she is the founder of Aeh System, LLC. Her mission is to bridge the gap between holistic and mental health practices by guiding individuals into the right coping skills to meet their needs. She lives in sunny Fl where it rains for at least 5 minutes a day, the humidity is always too high and she homeschools.

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